Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just keep goin

Well I weighed myself this morning. Still not at the 200 pound mark but I still lost some weight. As much as I want to be under 200 I know its still a great accomplishment that I have lost over 25 pounds. I feel so much more healthy and I enjoy working out now- its no longer a chore but a time in the day where I can let loose. I know I will get under 200 soon and I just have to take each day as it comes. Enjoy life- don't let it pass you by.


  1. I think it's going to happen this weekend, Molly! 25 pounds is already such an accomplishment, just keep up the good work! Also, I have considered making my blog more dedicated to weight loss after this weekend (thanks to you). Do you count calories or just try to listen to your body?

  2. A little bit of both. I feel like I starve myself sometimes but I tend to make good decisions when eating or snacking. Thanks for the encouragement Ali!
