Friday, March 4, 2011

A Journey Through Pictures.



Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined. - Henry David Thoreau 

Change is possible...I've got the pictures to prove it.


  1. Awesome! This is my first time at your blog. I love this post - congratulations on your successes and accomplishments! :)

  2. You look great Molly! Thank you for this today :) Wish you were goin to Fitbloggin!

  3. You are amazing! I love this post and as someone that has been following you for a while- CONGRATS! Congrats on keeping your goals alive and working so hard at what you want in your life! You are a beautiful woman! Be so proud of those pictures! =)

  4. What up hottttttttay

    You look so good Molz!

    Can't wait until I'm home and can tell you that to your face EVERY DAY!

  5. @Chelsee Thanks lady :)

    @Brittany- I know but you better take a lot of pics at fitbloggin and send them to me!

    @HealthyEm Thank you- Come back more often and dont be shy to tweet me now!

  6. You look great! Seriously, you are so pretty!

  7. You are GLOWING! Amazing job :) I started following you. Hope to see more inspiring posts!!!
