Monday, May 10, 2010

Feeling good.

So I got back on track today- I didn't do any cardio yesterday because I didn't have that "rawr" in me. Instead my family and I went out to dinner for mother's day at Casa del Rio. It's this quaint little Mexican place in downtown Waukesha, Wisconsin. I had chimichangas- which were so good. When we got home my parents had gotten an ice cream cake so we all had a piece of that. Just to let you guys know, ice cream cake is the BEST. Today, I got my ass back in gear because I actually had energy unlike last week. I still have some of the cold left but nothing that kept me from working out. I did my usual workout, circuit training, elliptical and ladder drills. Total number of calories burned = 1900. Not bad I must say.

Another great thing that came about this past weekend that actually surprised me, was that my dad bought me two t shirts from Kansas because he had an NSCA conference meeting there. I got the shirts when he got home, and I looked at them and they were smaller then usual-size medium. I'm not going to lie- I was scared to try these t-shirts on. The reason is because I have never been anything but a size large or larger and I guess I was scared that if I didn't fit into it I would disappoint myself. To my surprise I fit into them- I was so happy! I just couldn't believe it, I can't tell you how much I've wanted to fit into a size medium, its a like a milestone in my journey. Some of you might think its stupid but when you put on a shirt or pants that are smaller = best feeling ever. I'm working hard to get to 200 this week. I've hoovered around 202 for the past 3 weeks and I want to see 200 on the scale this coming saturday. Got any words or encouragement? I could sure use some.

So these are my first size medium t shirts. Hell Yeah!


  1. routine routine routine. That is the only thing that has ever worked for me! (and I am not even sure if I spelled it right hehehe.) I have been following you! I have a blog as well all about my weightloss. Check it out if you want.

  2. Exactly Routine for me is key. Thank you for following my blog, I will be sure to follow yours as well! :)

  3. 1900 kcal burn is freaking awesome Miss Molly!

  4. Thank You Tara! Gotta do work :)

  5. 1. i just found your blog, and i LOVE it
    2. waukesha? WI? small world, i live about 30 min from there!
    3. your progress is amazing, girl! such an inspiration for those days where my mind just doesn't want to do the workout...

  6. Mallory, what part of WI are you from? Do you have a blog? Thank you for commenting- I love hearing from people :)

  7. Nope, no blog here - just a reader at this point... I'm from the Fort Atkinson area, but spend most of my time slaving away... i mean, studying and working as a grad student in Whitewater. Ever hear of it?

  8. I WENT TO WHITEWATER! Then I transferred to WCTC. I know Fort Atkinson area, Were you an RA?

  9. what?! that's crazy...
    no, never an RA, just a commuter.

    still can't believe you went to UWW, love it.

  10. Hahaha good call on not dealing with all that BS. What is your major?

  11. i did my undergrad in ComDis (aka speech therapy) ... and now i'm doing my master's in the same degree.
    what about you? are you still at WCTC?

    haha is it weird that we're chatting over your comments section..? my bad if it is :)

  12. Very cool major to go into. I was a physical education major but then I decided I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. I'm at wctc for surgical technician. We should probably find each other on facebook or something to chat ;)

  13. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

    Hopefully by the end of summer we'll both be wearing medium size shirts for my camp :)

  14. Andi!!!! Hell yea we will. We gotta keep doing work :) and then all the boys will want us.
